
Rustic Fougasse

Rustic Fougasse

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Units Scale
  • 725 g plain flour
  • 480 ml warm water
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 satchets active dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sea salt

Oil & Herb MIx

  • 78 ml (1/3 cup) olive oil
  • 3 large cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme
  • 1 tsp dried oreganao ( you can use fresh also)


Oil Mix

  1. Heat up the oil in a small saucepan. Toss in the galic and fresh herbs and allow to infuse and simmer for a few minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool before incorporating it into your dough.

Bread Dough Mix

  1. In a large mixing bowl add in warm water (see post notes about water temp) and sugar, give it a little mix, then sprinkle in the yeast then let it stand for five minutes unti the yeast begins froth.
  2. Gradually sift flour with the salt into the yeast mix, don't stir it in just sift it all atop of the yeast.
  3. Make a small well in the flour and pour in the oil mix, then stir it all intogether until it becomes a rough dough.
    Rub some olive oil onto your work surface.
  4. Knead for a minute in the bowl, then turn it out onto the oiled work surface. Continue to knead your dough for 8 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  5. Pop the dough back into a clean, lightly oiled bowl, cover with a teacloth and leave it for 90 minutes until dough has doubled in size.

The knockback

  1. Once the dough has fully proved. Punch down gently then divide it into two pieces.
    Shape each piece of dough into rounds, then cover both rounds with a teacloth for a further 5 minutes.

The Bake

  1. Preheat your oven to 220 C (425 F)
  2. Dust one of your baking trays with a some semolina flour or maize flour.
  3. Take one of the dough rounds and gently roll it out into a rough oval shape. Insert slits at an angle using a pizza cutter. Stretch out the dough to open up the slits, cover with a teacloth for a further 20 minutes and repeat this step for the other round.
  4. The extra proving gives your bread a soft springy texture. It's the time and love that goes into this bread that gives it flavour and its well worth it.
  5. Now take one loaf and pop into your oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.
    Remove from the oven and then add the other one.
    This is lovely served hot or cold.